1 | 唯有在真理中才能找到智慧. | Wisdom is only found in truth . | |
2 | 我发现,一切问题、沮丧、悲伤,都是乔装打扮的机遇之神. | I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth , great opportunities in disguise. | |
3 | 我们的生命是大自然所赐,而能够活得好则是哲学的恩惠,事实上,活得好,甚至比生命本身更有价值。--塞涅卡 | It is the bounty of nature that we live, but of philosophy that we live well, which is, in truth , a greater benefit than life itself.-- Seneca | |
4 | 我要成为万树之王--橄榄树,成为现实生活中最伟大的推销员. | Now I wouldst become the greatest of olive trees and, in truth , the greatest of salesman. | |
5 | 我有双眼,可以观察;我有头脑,可以思考。现在我已洞悉了一个人生中伟大的奥秘.我发现,一切问题、沮丧、悲伤,都是乔装打扮的机遇之神 | I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth , great opportunities in disguise | |
6 | 我昨天写了很多,但却不是全部。实际上,我总是希望违背希望,违背信念,违背太自觉的自我批判。我现在几乎不敢承认这个事实,然而这却减轻我痛苦的心,使它安抚下来。 | I put a good deal on paper yesterday, and yet not all. I was, in truth , hoping against hope, against conviction, against too conscious self-judgement. I scary dare own the truth now, yet it relieves my aching heart to set it down. | |
7 | 相信谎话的人必将毁灭在真理里。--赫伯特 | He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth .--George Herbert | |
8 | 相信谎话的人必将在真理前灭亡 | He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth | |
9 | 相信谎话的人必将在真理前灭亡。 | He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth . | |
10 | 行动也许不会结出快乐的果实,但没有行动,所有的果实都无法收获。 | Happiness, in truth , may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without action all fruit will die on the vine. | |
11 | 在那边车棚里,”那车匠接着说,“我有一辆旧的软兜车,是城里的一位绅士交给我保管的,他要到每个月的三十六号才用一次,我完全可以把它租给您,那和我有什么相干? | There is, in truth ," added the wheelwright, "an old calash under the shed yonder, which belongs to a bourgeois of the town, who gave it to me to take care of, and who only uses it on the thirty-sixth of the month--never, that is to say | |
12 | 这确实是个奇迹. | It was in truth a miracle. | |
13 | 真的,我发现自己在“秩序”方面实在积习难改。 | In truth , I found myself incorrigible with respect to order | |
14 | 真的请您原谅,我刚才没留心听您在说什么。” | I really must pray you to excuse me, but--in truth --I was not attending to the conversation." | |
15 | 真实地;实际地 | In truth ; in fact. | |
16 | 知识的确是天空中硕大无比的太阳。它的光辉撒下生命和力量。--韦伯斯特 | Knowledge,in truth ,is the great sun in the firmament.Life and power are scattered with all its beams.--Daniel Webster | |
17 | 只有在真理中才能找到智慧 | Wisdom is only found in truth | |
18 | 智慧只能在真理中寻得 | Wisdom is only found in truth . | |
19 | 但是,真正的惠特尼?休斯顿是怎样的呢?表面上,这把声音在观众面前熊熊燃放着自己的光芒。这把强大的,纯净的,美妙的声音,是从一个无懈可击的,蓄势待发的,浑身散发着自信光芒的,正大步流星走向晚礼服世界的年轻女人发出来的。 | But what was the truth? Apparently it blazed before them, a huge, pure, beautiful voice from an impeccably poised young woman who had strode out in an evening gown, radiating self-confidence. | |
20 | 当她开始投入演唱歌曲“我在改变中(I am changing)”时,突然,不知从全场近3000人中的哪个角落里,跑出一个声音,喊道,“尽情唱吧,惠特妮?休斯顿!为我们唱出真实的自我!” | There were almost 3,000 in the audience, and from somewhere among them, as she launched into “I am Changing”, a voice rang out: “Sing it, Whitney honey! Sing us the truth!” | |
21 | 对于这些言论,惠特妮?休斯顿受宠若惊,她只能低声耳语地说,“这,很沉重。”太沉重了,也许这就是惠特妮?休斯顿的真正境遇。 | she could only whisper, terror-struck, “That’s heavy.” Too heavy, was perhaps the truth. | |
22 | 现实比电影好得多 | Truth is nicer than fiction | |
23 | 遗憾的是,现在有了卫星导航技术,好多灯塔根本就用不上了。贸易趋势的转变也让灯塔越来越没有用武之地。北卡罗来纳州外班克斯港有1500多艘触礁的船只残骸,然而今天这些岛屿主要依靠旅游业而不是海上贸易。 | The sad truth is that satellite navigation has made many lighthouses surplus to requirements. Shifting commercial trends have done their damage, too. More than 1,500 ships lie wrecked off North Carolina’s Outer Banks, but today these islands depend far more on tourism than on maritime trade. | |
24 | “但是事实上,像我这么大的大多数人知道这项测试要将他们引导的那个方向,”他说,“我们真的不恨美国。” | "But in truth , most people of my age knowwhich direction the test tries to take them, " he said. "We reallydon’t hate the US. " | |
25 | 表面上看来,它只是一种能说会道的能力,可实际上它却包罗了一个人从穿衣打扮到言谈举止等一切行为的能力。 | Superficially, it is only a kind of capability, but it includes all actions’ capacity from dressing to speech and behavior in truth . | |
26 | 博士总是散发出一股全知的气息,可是其实他们是无知得令人惊奇的。 | DOCTORS often exude an air of omniscience, but in truth they are surprisingly ignorant. | |
27 | 不过,这起2008年最重大事件并非一蹴而就,实际上,这类行为数年来一直盛行。 | But in truth , the biggest events of 2008 were not so much one-off actions as culminations of trends that had been building for years. | |
28 | 但实际上它们的关系从未令人满意过。 | But in truth the relationship has never been happy. | |
29 | 但事实上,从经济学上讲,捐钱是一种很不理性的行为。 | But, in truth , donating to charity is a wholly irrational act, economicallyspeaking. | |
30 | 但事实上,他们仅仅把生产设备转移到了共和国的管辖范围之外,继续进行着他们的秘密工作。 | In truth , they simply moved the bulk of their operations to worlds outside the Republic’s jurisdiction, continuing their work in secret. |